SURU (Symposium for Undergraduate Research at UCSC)

At its core, START (Students Transforming and Advancing Research Together) has the sole purpose of supporting and encouraging student involvement in research. The group holds SURU (the Symposium for Undergraduate Research at UCSC) annually that offers students the opportunity to speak about their research or research that they are interested in, while in a formal and friendly setting. This is a free event, available to the public. All are welcome, even if students do not present your own research, all are invited to come to learn and support their peers! The 5th annual SURU symposium is scheduled for December 5, 2020 in an online format. There are many benefits to being a part of the symposium; here are some examples: 

  • Practice speaking with others about research in an academic setting
  • Gain valuable feedback regarding your research from experienced researchers
  • Interact with other undergraduates who are also interested in research
  • Have the opportunity to win an awesome prize!
  • Build, or start building your CV

The deadline to apply to be a poster session presenter and an oral presenter is November 8th. All information and forms are on our website,

The START team is also hosting a research presenting workshop on November 18th and 19th at 5 pm. To register for this workshop, please go to our website, where you will find a quick rsvp form. 

To further explain, the 2020-2021 officers’ board of START has made a short video (  to explain START and SURU. Please check it out! Please feel free to reach out to us at if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, we would love to talk to you!